But this odd building is home to more than tourist displays. On the floors above there are archives and a library where one can delve deeply into the written history that has built the state's legacy. A private tour of the archives can unearth the unusual. If lucky enough to arrange an off-site tour (as a group of teachers was able to do in 2008), there is an off-site warehouse chock full of large and varied treasures of the past.
Next door, but on the property, is a limited-operation recreated village known as Ohio Village. At one time it was a regularly staffed 1800s village, but budget reductions has it now operating as a special event venue.
Hours vary for the museum and the research library, and budget issues at the state level can change the schedule even more.
The research library offers county histories, military unit rosters, city directories and much more for the curious or the family genealogist. A massive collection of newspapers and other state documents can be viewed on microfilm and microfiche.
The American Institute of Architects hails the building as a "bold, imaginative, almost startling structure" and the Architectural Record described it similarly as "the most architecturally significant public structure built in Ohio since the State Capitol Building." (see above right, click to enlarge)Distinguished by its structural honesty and undisguised, blunt use of materials, Brutalism departed from conventional bourgeois styles. Stone and marble were rejected in favor of form-textured concrete, or beton brut, a technique employed by the French architect LeCorbusier.
Walking around the building brings a different sense then to history, as not only are the displays within the building historic, the building itself has become the same. While budgets are hard to balance in tough economic times, history and the arts tend to face the scalpel -- or sometimes the axe -- in cuts first.
The Ohio Historical Society is a treasure and here's hoping that it is not plundered to stem the loss of revenue during a lengthy recession and recovery.
- J.
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